ACE Monitors Needed!
ACE Winter Session is coming to Vista Verde!
Classes will take place January 27-March 7. Registration begins on December 12 at 9:00am. More details to come. Secure your spots early and sign up to be a class monitor!
ACE Monitor Responsibilities:
- Be on-site on days ACE has classes at your school you have committed to
- Check enrolled students in
- Verify absences with the front office (if needed)
- Stay until all students have been picked up by their parent/guardian, assist with students going to the on-site childcare center or ELOP (if applicable)
Benefits to volunteering with IPSF:
- If commitment to monitor all 6 sessions is made prior to registration opening on 12/12, priority enrollment for your students in their desired ACE classes
- Discount on ACE classes
Any questions, please email