Judges strongly consider the interpretation of the Reflections theme during the evaluation process. It is suggested that students give their submissions a title that stands out and describes how the piece relates to the student’s personal interpretation of the theme. The following guiding questions can be useful when developing a title and artist statement: 

  • How does your work relate to the theme?
  • What is your personal connection to the theme?
  • What did you use to create your work (e.g., supplies, technology, instrumentation, props, etc.)?
  • What/who was your inspiration?

Judging will be based on the following point system:

  1. Interpretation of theme: How closely the artwork communicates the theme based on the artwork itself and the artist statement. (40 points)
  2. Artistic merit & creativity: How creative and original the artwork is in its conception of the theme and its presentation. (30 points)
  3. Master of medium: The level of skill demonstrated in the basic principles/techniques of the artistic discipline. (30 points)