Are you a middle schooler interested in math? Math Counts is for you! We had technical difficulty with the registration link in the last E-News. Please finalize your registration using this link:
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud VV PTA contributed a whooping 1725 entries.
Are you a middle schooler interested in math? Math Counts is for you! We had technical difficulty with the registration link in the last E-News. Please finalize your registration using this link:
All 5th Grade Boys and their adult role models are invited to attend this year’s “Guys Stuff Night”, October 28th, 6:30 -8:30pm. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Register here. All 5th Grade Boys and their adult role models are invited to attend this year’s “Guys Stuff Night”, October 28th, 6:30 -8:30pm. Please see […]
Want to help your girl build courage, confidence, character and make the world a better place? Girl Scouts believes in the power of every G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ to change the world! To find out more, please attend a virtual Animal Dance party with your girl on 9/26! Other party dates are also available on (intended […]
Reflections is Going Virtual and the 2022-2023 Theme Contest is On! I MATTER BECAUSE…is this year’s theme for the Reflections Program. Encouraging children of all ages, grade levels, and abilities to express themselves through art. Whether you paint, dance, sing, play an instrument or you’re good behind the lens, show us who you are and what […]
Do you like math and are you in middle school? MathCounts is for you! Open to Hybrid and IVA students. Please register here and see the flyer for details.
Students in Grades 5-8 AMC 8, please join us for the middle school mathematics AMC 8 2020 exam offered virtually. Open to Traditional, Hybrid and IVA (VV) students. Register here by Sept 30 to secure your spot. Parental presence is required for the 1 hour duration of the exam. Past tests available for review at: MAA/AoPS website
In today’s crazy uncertain world, together or apart, IVA, Hybrid or Traditional – one thing that is certain… We are all Vista Verde Vikings! 2020 has certainly made us realize that everything we thought we know, we really don’t know! Our one true strength and certainty comes from community and togetherness. The Vista Verde PTA has been working […]
Don’t miss out on this year’s spirit wear collections – order by October 16! Shop for a cause and support the Vista Verde PTA. Using super soft fabrics in kid and adult styles, this year’s six spirit collections feature on-trend designs and messages promoting kindness. Here’s your opportunity to shop while supporting our school and spreading a […]
Please join us for the first General Assembly Meeting of the year via Zoom. Get your cup of coffee ready and meet us online on October 13th at 3:00 pm. Please register here.
Click here to download the registration form. Program begins September 29th.