Entries by VV PTA


Interested in some friendly math competition? Calling all Vista Verde students in grades 3-8. Register by September 20th to participate in this year’s Math Madness tournament. Open to Traditional, Hybrid, and IVA students. Click here for registration information.


Due to the school closure last March, Vista Verde students unfortunately did not get to participate in the annual Jog-a-thon. If your child raised funds and earned a t-shirt, please note that the plan is to distribute the shirts once on-campus classes begin. Additional information will be sent out when school re-opens.


The Vista Verde AEFA Commiitee in conjunction with Mathleague.org present the online tournament for Elementary and Middle School students. Please register at Mathleague.org to participate.

Reflections Art Contest

“I MATTER BECAUSE…” Calling all Vista Verde Vikings!  “I Matter Because” is this year’s theme for the 2020-21 Reflections Art Program which has been bringing the arts to life for more than 10 million students since 1969.  Take the theme and create something that reflects it through original works of dance, film, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. Show […]

PTA Membership Drive- Contest ends October 31st

In today’s crazy uncertain world, together or apart, IVA, Hybrid or Traditional  – one thing that is certain… We are all Vista Verde Vikings! 2020 has certainly made us realize that everything we thought we know, we really don’t know! Our one true strength and certainty comes from community and togetherness. The Vista Verde PTA […]


SIX NEW COLLECTIONS. SAME SOFT FABRICS. Shop for a cause and support the Vista Verde PTA.  Using super soft fabrics in kid and adult styles, this year’s spirit wear collections feature on-trend designs and messages promoting kindness.  Here’s your opportunity to shop while supporting our school and spreading a little Viking spirit. Check out our new […]


SIX NEW COLLECTIONS. SAME SOFT FABRICS. Shop for a cause and support the Vista Verde PTA.  Using super soft fabrics in kid and adult styles, this year’s spirit wear collections feature on-trend designs and messages promoting kindness.  Here’s your opportunity to shop while supporting our school and spreading a little Viking spirit. Check out our new […]

Reflections Art Contest

“I MATTER BECAUSE…” Calling all Vista Verde Vikings!  “I Matter Because” is this year’s theme for the 2020-21 Reflections Art Program which has been bringing the arts to life for more than 10 million students since 1969.  Take the theme and create something that reflects it through original works of dance, film, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. Show […]

Reflections Art Contest

“I MATTER BECAUSE…” Calling all Vista Verde Vikings!  “I Matter Because” is this year’s theme for the 2020-21 Reflections Art Program which has been bringing the arts to life for more than 10 million students since 1969.  Take the theme and create something that reflects it through original works of dance, film, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. Show […]