Holiday Dessert – Dec 12th – Thursday
Enjoy holiday treats prepared by the staff, listen to musical performances, visit the Book Fair and explore your child’s classroom. Please click here for flyer.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud VV PTA contributed a whooping 1725 entries.
Enjoy holiday treats prepared by the staff, listen to musical performances, visit the Book Fair and explore your child’s classroom. Please click here for flyer.
The annual Vista Verde talent show will be on March 18, 2020. Auditions will take place in January and Audition Forms are due by December 20th. See attached flyer for more details and information.
As we enter our 5th month of school, please take some time to re-read and review our comprehensive parking lot procedures. We encourage you to share this information with grandparents and other caregivers who may come to school to either drop off or pick up your child. Please embrace our S.T.A.R. philosophy by being Safe […]
Just a reminder, anyone on campus must have a badge on during school hours either inside OR outside the building. Our school staff have had to remind several folks, particularly in the lunch and playground areas, to return to the office to sign-in. Staff is trained to question anyone without a volunteer, visitor, or district […]
Visit the Vista Verde website and find the link at the bottom right corner under “Quicklinks” for Order VV Yearbook. Or click here to order.
You can make a difference at Vista Verde and help support our teachers and students. Nominations are now being accepted for the 2020/2021 school year. Contact Annie Diep at for information on specific roles and responsibilities or to submit your nomination. There are several positions available to fit anyone’s schedule and desired level of involvement. […]
Visit the Vista Verde website and find the link at the bottom right corner under “Quicklinks” for Order VV Yearbook. Or click here to order.
Just a reminder, anyone on campus must have a badge on during school hours either inside OR outside the building. Our school staff have had to remind several folks, particularly in the lunch and playground areas, to return to the office to sign-in. Staff is trained to question anyone without a volunteer, visitor, or district […]
As we enter our 5th month of school, please take some time to re-read and review our comprehensive parking lot procedures. We encourage you to share this information with grandparents and other caregivers who may come to school to either drop off or pick up your child. Please embrace our S.T.A.R. philosophy by being Safe […]
Our annual Book Fair will be from December 9th to December 13th. Please consider volunteering at this fun event that helps raise money for our library. You can sign up using the link below. Book Fair Volunteers 2019