Wondering When Kona Ice is at School?
Kona Ice will be at school on Wednesday, September 11th and Wednesday, September 18th.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud VV PTA contributed a whooping 1725 entries.
Kona Ice will be at school on Wednesday, September 11th and Wednesday, September 18th.
Supervision before and after school: Students arriving on campus from 8:00-8:15 a.m. must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or the student must report to the media center/library where supervision is available. After 8:15 a.m., school supervision begins and students can be on campus with or without a parent or guardian. Students should plan to arrive […]
Join Woodbridge High School pep squad for an afternoon of FUN! Campers will learn cheers, meet new friends, enjoy a snack, and make a craft. Kinder through 6th graders can attend. Click the image below for flyer. For questions, contact Linzi Gorzycki at linzigorzycki@iusd.org
IUSD hosts a General Gifted And Talented Education (GATE) Informational and Book Club meeting four times a year. The meetings are open to all IUSD parents. The bookclub selection will be themed around education and parenting. The title will be announced in October. Meetings are scheduled from 9:00 am to 10:30 am at IUSD’s Learning […]
Kids work with local Police Officers, Firefighters and Team Kids Coaches to learn they are not too little to change the world while tackling the needs of their community. Week 2 is a Used Books Drive. See attached flyers for more details. Team Kids Vista Verde Overall 2019 Team Kids Vista Verde Week 1 2019 […]
Your child’s classroom could win FREE Kona Ice if they get 65% PTA Membership signups. Join the PTA online today to support Vista Verde teachers and students. Click here to join our PTA today. Click here for flyer.
Take a look at all the new styles! Order deadline is August 30th. Visit https://vistaverde.bigcartel.com/ to order today.
Please join us for our 1st PTA General Assembly meeting on Tuesday, September 17th at 8:40am in the MPR. We will have our school counselors, Nori Deatherage and Christina Kee, speaking about Wellness Resources. Coffee and bagels will be provided and we will do a little bit of PTA business at the beginning of the […]
Kids work with local Police Officers, Firefighters and Team Kids Coaches to learn they are not too little to change the world while tackling the needs of their community. Week 1 is an Art Supplies Drive. See attached flyers for more details. Team Kids Vista Verde Overall 2019 Team Kids Vista Verde Week 1 2019 […]
Thank you to our Vista Verde community for making the Ice Cream Social a success and thank you to our sponsor, Lena Ghezel, for the yummy gelato.