Entries by VV PTA

Free Bike Safety Program – IPD

On Saturday, June 9 from 9-11 a.m. at the Irvine Civic Center (1 Civic Center Plaza), the Irvine Police Department will host a free bike safety class for kids who are 6-11 years old.  The program will cover the following safety fundamentals: ·       Advice for traveling along safe routes ·       Practical, emergency and defensive riding ·       Situational awareness […]

VV AEFA Information Meeting – May 31 – Friday

The Vista Verde PTA Academic Enrichment for All (AEFA) Committee is hosting an informational and planning meeting to plan for the 2019-2020 calendar year. Friday, May 31 at 3:10pm, Room 18 (Mrs. Jacobs) AEFA hosts enrichment programs such as Spelling Bee, Geo Bee, Science Olympiad, Math Club, Astronomy Night, Public Speaking, Viking Voices, Chess Tournaments […]

IUSD Mandarin Immersion After School Program

To IUSD’s TK-2nd Grade Families, Irvine Unified School District recognizes the importance of providing students opportunities to learn a second language and to develop those world language skills needed to successfully engage in a global society and economy. The South Coast Chinese Cultural Center / Irvine Chinese School, in partnership with the Irvine Unified School […]

IPSF: Registration Deadline: Summer Session A

The deadline to register for the first session of IPSF summer classes for grades K-12 is May 31. From designing video games to making culinary creations, students can explore interests or discover a new passion with over 500 engaging course offerings. Classes are filling up fast – register today! Click here to learn more about […]

VV AEFA Information Meeting – May 31 – Friday

The Vista Verde PTA Academic Enrichment for All (AEFA) Committee is hosting an informational and planning meeting to plan for the 2019-2020 calendar year. Friday, May 31 at 3:10pm, Room 18 (Mrs. Jacobs) AEFA hosts enrichment programs such as Spelling Bee, Geo Bee, Science Olympiad, Math Club, Astronomy Night, Public Speaking, Viking Voices, Chess Tournaments […]