Entries by VV PTA

2019-2020: PTA Executive Board Slate

President: Shirley Wainberg EVP: Annie Diep Secretary: Mara Brandes Treasurer: Cindy Huang Financial Secretary: Carolina Sabotka Auditor: Kendie Schlecht Historian: Tasha Alpert Parliamentarian: Sandy Long VP Way & Means: Meghan Ormando VP Communications: Yvette Casal VP Volunteers: Dana Illman VP Membership: Sarice Grushkin VP Programs: Terri Myers

VV Counselor’s Corner

Welcome to the Counselor’s Corner in the Vista Verde PTA eNewsletter. Counselor’s Corner will be featured every other week. Keep an eye out for information on how to enhance student/family life, social and emotional wellness, development and other tips. Feel free to contact us! Nori Deatherage NoriDeatherage@iusd.org Middle School Counselor On-site at VV: Monday, Tuesday, […]