Entries by VV PTA

Jdiscovery and Discovery Cube STEM Workshop

The JCC has partnered with the Discovery Cube for a STEM event on January 21st. This promises to be an engaging and educational experience for families, and will feature interactive experiments led by proessionals from the Discovery Cube. Space is limited so register soon. Cost is $25 per child. Click here to register.

General Association Meeting #3

Join the PTA for the General Association meeting on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 as we elect the Nominating Committee and share information on programs and events for the second half of the school year. Registration is required. Click here to register.

Vista Verde Yearbook

Yearbooks are on sale now for $26 until December 31st! Prices go up January 1st. Order your copy now! https://shop.yearbookmarket.com/vistaverdeschool *Gold Donors will receive two yearbooks, and Silver donors will receive one yearbook with their annual donations.

Thank you to the 2022-2023 Corporate Sponsors

As 2023 comes to an end, the Vista Verde PTA would like to acknowledge the generous contributions from our 2022-2023 Corporate Sponsors. Thank you to  The Swardstrom Group Luxury Real Estate, Vince & Lucy Real Estate, Waterworks Aquatics, Merage JCC, Fidelity National, Stem Tree Education Center, and Gazy Alimadadian. We appreciate your support!  

General Association Meeting #3

Join the PTA for the General Association meeting on Tuesday, January 16, 2024 as we elect the Nominating Committee and share information on programs and events for the second half of the school year. Registration is required. Click here to register.

Parents Night Out Tickets

Only a handful of tickets remaining for the Parents Night Out dinner on January 10, 2024. Get your tickets now before they sell out! Don’t miss out on a fun evening at North Italia Restaurant with other Vista Verde parents and teachers. Tickets are $60/each, and include two drink tickets and a three course dinner. […]

Elementary Science Olympiad

Calling all 4-6 grade students! Apply now for the Vista Verde Science Olympiad team. Applications due by January 12, 2024. Send an email to: vvscioly2023@gmail.com to register.