Entries by VV PTA

Interested in Volunteering?

Interested in chairing (or co-chairing) on a PTA committee this year? Or volunteering at one of the many PTA events? We are always looking for parent volunteers, so please complete the form linked here. Thank you for your continued support of our school and of the Vista Verde PTA!

PTA General Association Meeting

The PTA General Association meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 22nd at 6:30pm via zoom. Must be a member by July 22nd to be eligible to vote. Regisration is required to attend the meeting. More details to follow on how to register. Click here to join the PTA now!

PTA Annual Fund & Membership

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! Learn more about our annual fund and membership drive and how your tax deductible donation makes a difference! Click here to join. Please see the full membership packet here.  

ACE / IPSF Afterschool Classroom Enrichment

Have fun afterschool with Irvine Public Schools Foundation (IPSF)! IPSF’s ACE program is offered in cooperation with the Irvine Unified School District to provide opportunities for students to pursue their passions and discover new interests through hands-on learning. Click here to register. ***Registration opens on July 20 at 9am!  

Club J Afterschool Program

When the school day is done, Club J begins! Our after-school program is designed for families that need the support and convenience of a daily high-quality schedule for their children. Club J’s monthly tuition includes transportation, snack, and two enrichment classes per day. Register here.

Advocacy Communicator

Advocacy is the top priority of the PTA! Check out the June 2023 issue of the Advocacy Communicator. Please click here to view it. In this issue: Gov. Newsom’s revised education budget, the proposed dyslexia screening mandate, and information about Prop. 28 arts education funding.

Interested in Volunteering?

Interested in chairing (or co-chairing) on a PTA committee this year? Or volunteering at one of the many PTA events? We are always looking for parent volunteers, so please complete the form linked here. Thank you for your continued support of our school and of the Vista Verde PTA!

Juneteenth Freedom Day!

June 19, 1865, marks the day when enslaved people in Galveston, Texas found out they had been freed- two years after President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation! Learn why Juneteenth is important in United State history and why the celebration of Black excellence and resilience is an integral part of commemorating this day with our children […]