Entries by VV PTA

Reflections Award Ceremony – March 8th

Please join us in celebrating our student’s creative vision as expressed through the annual PTA Reflections arts program theme “Show Your Voice.” We will join together to acknowledge their contributions in the categories of Visual Arts, Photography, and Literature on March 8, 2023, from 4:30 pm-5:15 pm in the MPR. If you have any questions, please contact […]

Conversation with Representative Katie Porter – March 16

The Rancho San Joaquin Middle School PTA has invited Vista Verde parents to attend a special zoom meeting with Congresswoman Katie Porter. The meeting is on Thursday, March 16th at 6:30pm and Katie will join around 7pm. Please RSVP for the Zoom meeting using the link below: Rancho Meeting Sign Up

Parents Night Out – March 20

Please join us for a casual meet and greet with other Vista Verde parents, organized by Vista Verde’s PTA. This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents as well as the PTA Board. Hope to see you there. Space is limited. Please RSVP using the Evite link below: VV – Parent Night Out

PTA General Assembly Meeting – March 21

The Nominating Committee presents the following slate of officers for the PTA General Membership’s consideration for the 2023/2024 school year. The slate will be voted on at the next General Assembly Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 21st at 6pm on Zoom. Registration information coming soon. President: Lilli LaBuen Gillen Vice President: Moon Bedi Secretary: Ashley De Paul […]

Stay Connected with PTA

Want all the latest news and information on Vista Verde PTA events and programs? Find us here: Instagram – @vistaverdepta Facebook – facebook.com/groups/vistaverdepta

Irvine Junior Games

The 34th annual Irvine Junior Games will be held on May 7, 2023. Athlete Registration will open on January 18,2023. The Irvine Junior Games are an important community event with 1,300 4th-8th grade athletes and their families from all 35 IUSD elementary and middle schools. In addition, the Irvine Junior Games and generous sponsors raise […]

South Irvine Dolphins Swim Team

Calling All Irvine Swimmers! The South Irvine Dolphins is looking for swimmers ages 5-18 to join a fun competitive swim team for the summer. Come join all the Vista Verde Families already on the team! Registration opens 3/1 for returning families and 3/5 for all new families. Please check the attached flyer for additional information.

PTA Founders Day – Honorary Service Awards

February 17th is the PTA’s 126th birthday, also known as Founders Day! In honor of this day, the Vista Verde PTA is recognizing the outstanding service to children in our community by awarding a National PTA Honorary Service Award to: one Vista Verde volunteer and one Teacher/Administrator/Staff member SAVE THE DATE: Honorary Service Award Ceremony […]

Vista Verde Named CA Distinguished School

Six IUSD schools have been named 2023 California Distinguished Schools. The schools were honored for their hard work, resilience and dedication and praised for their ability to provide a quality education to students while navigating the effects of the pandemic. Congratulations to all the faculty, staff and families of Vista Verde! To read more about […]