Entries by VV PTA

PTA Board Slate for 2023-2024

The Nominating Committee presents the following slate of officers for the PTA General Membership’s consideration for the 2023/2024 school year. The slate will be voted on at the next General Assembly Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 21st at 6pm on Zoom. Registration information will be published soon. You must be a registered PTA member by […]

Check out the Kids Activities at the JCC

The JCC has wonderful activities our families can enjoy. Check out the Club JKids – “Night Out” flyer as well as “Summer Camp” information. Registration for Summer Camp is now open. Get more information at www.jccoc.org.  

Reflections Award Ceremony – March 8th

Please join us in celebrating our student’s creative vision as expressed through the annual PTA Reflections arts program theme “Show Your Voice.” We will join together to acknowledge their contributions in the categories of Visual Arts, Photography, and Literature on March 8, 2023, from 4:30 pm-5:15 pm in the MPR. If you have any questions, please […]

4-Vert Football – Tryout Camp

Join us for the 4-vert football tryout camp for the South Irvine Spartans.  This camp is for players in Grades 5-8 and provides athletes a chance to work closely with high school coaches.  The tryout is FREE and gives players the opportunity to work on their skills and find out more about the team.  4-vert is a […]

Irvine Ranch Water District – Poster Contest

Water Awareness Poster Contest Now Open. Entries need to be submitted by Wednesday, February 22nd. If you have any questions, please contact CommunityRelations@irwd.com or call IRWD at 949-453-5500 or visit https://www.irwd.com/…/water-awareness-poster-contest…

2023 Innovative Grant Recipients Announced

IPSF awarded 11 schools and $200,000 in Innovative Grants this year to support innovative approaches to supporting students. The purpose of this grant program is to promote innovation in schools by awarding funds to launch new curriculum and improve the educational experiences of students. Click below to learn more. 2023 Innovative Grant Recipients Announced! | IPSF

Summer Fun Starts with IPSF

Summer is the time to pursue interests, discover new passions, and brush up on fundamentals for the next school year. IPSF Summer will offer over 400 classes for students in grades Pre-K-12, so wherever your child’s interests lie, there’s fun in store this summer with IPSF! Registration opens March 22. www.ipsf.net/summer  

8th Grade Disney Day – Sign Up Today!

Dear 8th Grade Families, We will celebrate the class of 2023 with a series of wonderful events that our students are sure to enjoy and appreciate! Our IMMEDIATE need is to get a headcount, payment and waivers for ALL students who wish to attend the day at DISNEYLAND. Please click on the link to reserve […]

Last Day for PTA Board Nominations

The PTA Nominating Committee is putting together a slate of nominees for the PTA election on March 21, 2023. If you are interested in running, we invite you to review the PTA Executive Board descriptions at Job Descriptions and fill out a statement of interest using this form: Interest Form Today is the last day for nominations. If you […]

PTA Founder’s Day – Honorary Service Awards

February 17th is the PTA’s 126th birthday, also known as Founder’s Day! In honor of this day, the Vista Verde PTA is recognizing the outstanding service to children in our community by awarding a National PTA Honorary Service Award to: one Vista Verde volunteer and one Teacher/Administrator/Staff member Please submit your nominations using this link:  […]