Entries by VV PTA

Chipotle Fundraiser – October 27th

Save the date!!! Wednesday, October 27th is our dine out fundraiser at Chipotle (University Center) from 4-8 pm. Dine in or take out and help support Vista Verde by purchasing a delicious healthy meal!! Reminder — your online ordering code is: 9WLP4Y9.   Show the flyer for dine in before you pay. See you VV Viking.

PTA Membership Classroom Contest

Please consider joining our Vista Verde PTA. We all reap the benefit of being a Vista Verde Viking. Membership is open to all members of our community, parents, teachers, grandparents, care givers, and friends. Consider sponsoring one of your teachers for the PTA too – and let’s come together as a community and support the Vista Verde PTA. Our traditional […]

Reflections Art: How to Submit Artwork

Submissions for the Reflections art program must be sent through the online Student Entry Form. The deadline to submit is October 13th! See guidelines for the following categories: dance choreography, film production, literature, music, photography, and visual arts. For more information about Reflections and how to submit, please contact Lilli at Reflections@vistaverdepta.org or visit vistaverdepta.org/reflections.

AEFA Parent Meeting

Calling all Vista Verde parents. Join our upcoming AEFA Zoom to learn more about academic enrichment programs at Vista Verde and find out how you can get involved. New program ideas and volunteers welcome! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81668433370?pwd=QUlYYWV2SHdYN1V3NUNqK3NYOEZlQT09

PTA Membership Classroom Contest

Please consider joining our Vista Verde PTA. We all reap the benefit of being a Vista Verde Viking. Membership is open to all members of our community, parents, teachers, grandparents, care givers, and friends. Consider sponsoring one of your teachers for the PTA too – and let’s come together as a community and support the Vista Verde PTA. Our traditional […]

21-22 VV Spirit Wear – Order by 10/15

21/22 Vista Verde Spirit Wear Store is now up and running! – order by October 15! Shop for a cause and support the Vista Verde PTA. Here’s your opportunity to shop while supporting our school and spreading a little Viking spirit. Check out the 21/22 collections here, and get your orders in by 10/15 before the […]