7th/8th Pep Squad Clinic- Mar 21st
Join us for a half-day clinic with the University High School Coaches, Cheerleaders and Songleaders to review skills for future tryouts, whether at University High School (UHS) or any High School.
INCLUDES: 5-hour Clinic; Personal skills assessment from Cheer & Song coach(es) along with the UHS Pep Squad team; Snack & Lunch
Register online and complete the Registration Form and Payment (via PayPal) at http://www.trojanpepsquad.org/cheer-clinic by Thursday, March 19, 2020
Irvine Junior Games- Sign up TODAY Feb 21st
Vista Verde Parents,
Its that time of the year again! Irvine Junior Games is right around the corner. What is Irvine Junior Games? Well basically its a track and field event in that students (4th-8th) grade get to compete against other students in the Irvine District! Its one day May 3rd (Sunday) this year. I’ve attached a little bit more information about it on this email. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at davidchavero@iusd.org. Last day to sign up online is February 21st.
Astronomy Night – Monday, Mar 2nd at 6pm

PTA General Assembly Mtg – March 17th at 8:40am in MPR

Positive Parenting Classes – Mar 5th
The Irvine Family Resource Center will be offering a 4-week parenting series called Helping Your Child Succeed In School aimed in supporting K-6th parents. Classes will start March 5th 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Parents will have an opportunity to increase their awareness and engage in discussions surrounding these topics:
- Understanding brain development
- Helping your child with social skills for school and life success
- Promoting school success with healthy habits
- Organization for school success and stopping homework battles
- Use of encouragement and positive discipline for capable students
- Influence your child through learning
A new added feature to help parents register and pay by credit card is being provided within their MySchoolBucks account. Here is the link Helping your child succeed in school – Parenting Series K-6th grade
IUSD College and Career Fair- Mar 16
Irvine Unified School District invites you to attend our annual College and Career Fair, happening at the Portola High School gym on March 16, 2020 from 6-8pm. This event will allow students and parents the opportunity to meet with over 40 college and university representatives, while also having the chance to explore a variety of career pathways. Attendees will have the chance to watch robotics scrimmages and attend break-out sessions. Hope to see you there!
New San Joaquin Elementary Blended Program in IUSD – Opening for the 2020-2021 School Year
Irvine Unified is proud to present the opening of our San Joaquin K-6 Blended Learning Elementary School for the 2020-2021 school year.
San Joaquin Elementary School is a blended, independent study program. In this format, students will attend classes weekly with a certificated teacher, and complete the remainder of their studies at home through a variety of IUSD-approved elementary curriculum. A certificated IUSD elementary teacher will provide content support.
On-site classes will be held at the hosting school, Greentree Elementary, 4200 Manzanita St, Irvine, CA 92604.
For additional information and answers to frequently asked questions, please visit the San Joaquin Elementary School website. For additional information, please contact Racquel Stephens, Coordinator of Online Learning at 949-936-7433 or racquelStephens@iusd.org.
San Joaquin Elementary School FAQ’s