Advocacy Forum – Friday January 22nd, 09:30 – 11:30

All PTA members are invited to join the Advocacy Forum. There is no charge, but you must be a PTA member to attend. Registration will close on Wednesday, January 20th at 12:00 PM (noon). For details please refer to the flier. Please click here for registration.

Cyberbullying and Digital Drama: Keeping Kids Safe, Happy, and Healthy in a Digital Age – January 12th at 5:30pm

All Vista Verde families are invited to join a live presentation by Jacquie Johnson from OCDE on Cyberbullying and Digital Drama, January 12th at 5:30 on zoom. Participants will learn about what cyberbullying looks like, how it affects youth, warning signs to watch for and strategies to prevent cyberbullying. For more details please refer to the flier.

Registration is required.

Cyberbullying Parent Presentation English Flier

Winter Break, Dec. 21, 2020 – Jan. 3, 2021

Winter break is December 21st to January 3rd. The PTA wishes our wonderful community a happy and healthy Holiday Season!

PTA General Assembly Meeting, January 20, 2021

Join the Vista Verde PTA at the next General Assembly meeting and meet newly-elected IUSD Board of Education Trustee, Cyril Yu. Registration is required.

Reflections Art Contest

Vista Verde Vikings are AWESOME! Out of the 72 students that participated in the Irvine Unified Council PTA Reflections Art program, 4 of our very own placed!

Congratulations to:

Noah Lee, 1st Place, Literature: Middle School

Noah will be moving on to the next level at the Fourth District PTA. Let’s Go, Noah! Let’s Go! You can read his winning poem, “Reasons,” here.

Aron Mostafavi, 2nd Place in Music, Primary (K-2nd). Listen to his original musical composition here.

Haeun Yoo, 2nd Place in Visual Arts, Intermediate (3rd-5th)

Sarah Ida, 2nd Place in Visual Arts, Middle School (6th-8th)

We are extremely proud of our students, and proud to be a part of such an amazing community at Vista Verde. Whether learning through IVA or on campus, we are all Vikings!

Thank you to our amazing Reflections team, Lilli LaBuen, Roxi Carter, and Anny Choe and to all of our wonderful teachers and staff who created a video that inspired so many to participate. And most of all, THANK YOU PTA members, for making this a possibility! Without your memberships and your support, we wouldn’t be able to do this!

May the Arts Be With You!

Interested in joining the PTA Board? Nominations are open!

The Vista Verde PTA is accepting nominations for the 2021-2022 school year. You may nominate yourself or someone else for any position.

For a description of the positions, please refer to the following link:

Below are the positions:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Financial Secretary
  • Auditor
  • Historian
  • Parliamentarian (selected by the incoming President)
  • VP Ways & Means /Fundraising Chairman
  • VP Programs /Program Chairman
  • VP Communications
  • VP Membership
  • VP Volunteers / Volunteer Coordinator

If interested, please email Parliamentarian, Kimberly Murry at with your name and the board position(s) for which you are interested no later than January 15, 2021.


The PTA is excited to share that 4 Vista Verde students placed in the Reflections art program at the Irvine Unified Council PTA!

Visual Arts:

2nd Place Intermediate (3-5th): Haeun Yoo

2nd Place Middle School (6-8th): Sarah Ida


2nd Place Primary (K-2nd): Aron Mostafavi


1st Place: Middle School (6-8th): Noah Lee

Noah will move on to the Fourth District (county-level). Congratulations to all the students!


It’s holiday shopping season! The Vista Verde PTA is partnering with Gorjana for a shopping fundraiser on December 3rd & 4th. Shop through this link only, and Gorjana will donate a portion of the proceeds to our PTA.

Please visit and enter code: SP-VVS into the Discount Code section at checkout.


The Vista Verde PTA is happy to remind you that the Scholastic “Virtual” Book Fair ends on Sunday, November 22nd.

We hope you’re just as excited as we are! Check out some of the newest books added to the Scholastic catalogue!

·       Fall 2020 Scholastic Middle School “What’s New” Book List

·       Fall 2020 K-6 “What’s New” Book List

·       Fall 2020 Scholastic PreK “What’s New” Book List

·       Scholastic Store Complete Book List

If you’re interested in setting up an e-wallet this year, please visit:


The PTA is thankful for our wonderful Vista Verde community. There is no school November 25th – 27th. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving break!