Walk to School Day – October 24 – Wednesday

Walk to School Day is coming up!

We are going to have our walking or biking to school on Thursday, October 24th!

We would like to create a sense of awareness for the importance of mental health, and the role it plays in preventing future drug abuse! We encourage participants to wear something red! Irvine Police will be present and volunteers will be there to cheer you on!

Blessings in a Backpack

Dear Fabulous Vista Verde Community!

Due to the remarkable generosity of our Vista Verde Community, last year’s “Blessings in a Backpack” community service project was such a huge success that we are going to do it again. We will begin August 15th. I am always amazed at how thoughtful and compassionate Vista Verde families are. Thank you for all that you do to make Vista Verde the remarkable school that it is!!!

Patricia Farquhar


VV Foundation: Cards for Stars – November 16 – Friday

The Vista Verde Foundation is thrilled to announce the 5th Annual Cards for Stars Casino Night presented by The Watson Team.

This year’s event at the fabulous Pelican Hill Resort will be a truly spectacular evening of masquerade and Las Vegas style gaming.

Join us Friday, November 16th, 2018. You won’t want to miss out on any of the fun!

Please visit www.CardsForStars.com for ticket and sponsorship information

School Resumes Next Tuesday – October 9

Our Fall break is almost over!

Monday, October 8 is a Staff Development Day. There is no school for students.

School resumes on Tuesday, October 9.

Uni Girls Volleyball Skills Clinic for 5th – 8th Grades – October 13 – Saturday

The University High School Girls Volleyball program is hosting a Volleyball Skills Clinic on Saturday, October 13th from 9am to 12pm in the high school gymnasium on 4771 Campus drive. The cost is $30 per player (includes T-shirt, snacks and drinks) and it’s open to boys and girls in 5th to 8th grade. Space is limited, deadline to sign up is September 28th. Learn from Uni coaches and players in this hands-on clinic.

To register please go to https://univolleyball.wufoo.com/forms/w1o68a1f1szy7gy/

Dress to play volleyball in comfortable shirt and shorts/spandex. Gym shoes and knee pads are mandatory. Registration opens at 8.30am, clinic starts at 9am.

Mathleague Competition Sunday – October 14th for 3-8th grades

Vista Verde will be hosting a Mathleague competition again this year on Sunday October 14, 2018. The elementary competition for 3-6th grade will be in the morning 8:00AM-12:00PM. The middle school competition for 6-8th grade will be in the afternoon 1:00PM-5:00PM. Anyone 3-8th grade welcome to participate. If you are interested, please signup on http://mathleague.org/esevents.php. More information can be found on this website. Entry fee is $15 if you pay online. Please pay Mathleague directly. PTA will not be collecting money separately this year. You may list Jennifer Wong as the chaperone when you sign up.
Math Club will hold a practice session Wednesday October 10, 2018 7:40-8:15AM in Mrs. Jacob’s classroom, room 18. All are welcome to attend but the practice session is not mandatory.
We need parent volunteers at the Mathleague competition to help with proctoring and grading. If you are interested, please email vvmathclub@vistaverdepta.org.

VV School Directory Updates

It is time for us to get the directory updated.

Please click here to submit your changes, if:

  • you have moved, change email addresses or phone numbers in the past year and would like to update your listing in the school directory; or
  • you are new to Vista Verde and would like be added in the school directory; or
  • you want to be removed from the school directory.

Our School Directory coordinator will be sending out emails to provide more information on school directory update over the Fall break.

Our School Directory is organized and printed by Vista Verde PTA. Every family receives one copy regardless if your family/students are included in it.

PTA Drive – Donate to Our Annual Fund

PTA Drive is still going strong! Last day to join is September 14th, today! You can join online by clicking on here.



Yearbook Online Order Begins

Purchase your Vista Verde School 2019 yearbook online at http://www.balfour.com/california/irvine/vista-verde-school or use the link on the left side of the Vista Verde homepage (http://iusd.org/vv/).

Parents can also purchase ad for your student to be included in the yearbook. Limited space is available. Prices start at $20.

Currently the cost per book is $34. After January 1, 2019, the price will increase.

Fall Break is Here

Our Fall break starts tomorrow! Today is a minimum day.

  • K-3rd grades are dismissed at 1:25pm
  • 4th-8th grades are dismissed at 1:30pm

Monday, October 8 is a Staff Development Day. There is no school for students.

School resumes on Tuesday, October 9.