3rd and 4th Grades – Soccer – Harvest Cup – Register by Sept 17 – Monday

3rd/4th Grade Soccer Players,

The Harvest Cup is a City of Irvine / IPSF soccer tournament, including teams representing all the schools in Irvine. This year, the tournament has been opened up to 3rd and 4th graders. We are looking for boys, girls and coaches who are interested in participating.

The tournament games are on Friday, Oct. 19th and Sunday Oct. 21st, no games on Saturday to accommodate Club and AYSO league games.

If your son or daughter are interested in trying out, please register here, so that we have your contact info. We will notify players of the tryout schedule at a later date. Please register by this Monday, September 17th.

The Vista Verde Soccer teams have had lots of success over the past handful of years. More important than winning is the incredible fun it is for the players to play with their classmates and enjoy some exciting school spirit. Don’t miss the chance to be a part of your school team.

Please register here

If you are interested in volunteering as a coach, please email VistaVerdeSoccer@Gmail.com.

Go Vikings!!!

Uni Girls Volleyball Skills Clinic for 5th – 8th Grades – October 13 – Saturday

The University High School Girls Volleyball program is hosting a Volleyball Skills Clinic on Saturday, October 13th from 9am to 12pm in the high school gymnasium on 4771 Campus drive. The cost is $30 per player (includes T-shirt, snacks and drinks) and it’s open to boys and girls in 5th to 8th grade. Space is limited, deadline to sign up is September 28th. Learn from Uni coaches and players in this hands-on clinic.

To register please go to https://univolleyball.wufoo.com/forms/w1o68a1f1szy7gy/

Dress to play volleyball in comfortable shirt and shorts/spandex. Gym shoes and knee pads are mandatory. Registration opens at 8.30am, clinic starts at 9am.

Math Club

Math Club is open to Grade 4-8 students who want to be challenged in solving more advanced math problems.  The club is parent volunteer –led, and offered by PTA’s Academic Enrichment for All (AEFA) committee.

Math Club will meet from 7:40 to 8:15AM in Room 18 (5th grade wing, Mrs. Jacobs’ classroom) on scheduled Wednesdays.

  • Five (5) Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools (MOEMS) contests for Gr 4-8 will be administered at club meetings on 11/14, 12/12, 1/16, 2/13 and 3/6.
  • Mathcounts contest for Gr 6-8 will be administered over two (2) club meetings on 11/28 and 12/5.
  • Practices sessions to help students to become familiar with the format and types of problems presented in MOEMS, Mathleague.org, and Mathcounts competitions are offered during club on dates shown below.

2018-2019 Math Club Meeting Dates and Activities

  Contest Dates Practice Session Dates
4th – 5th Grades MOEMS

11/14, 12/12, 1/16, 2/13, 3/6


10/17, 10/24, 11/7


9/12, 10/10

6th – 8th Grades MOEMS

11/14, 12/12, 1/16, 2/13, 3/6



11/28 & 12/5




9/12, 10/10


10/17, 10/24

Mathleague Competition Sunday – October 14th for 3-8th grades

Vista Verde will be hosting a Mathleague competition again this year on Sunday October 14, 2018. The elementary competition for 3-6th grade will be in the morning 8:00AM-12:00PM. The middle school competition for 6-8th grade will be in the afternoon 1:00PM-5:00PM. Anyone 3-8th grade welcome to participate. If you are interested, please signup on http://mathleague.org/esevents.php. More information can be found on this website. Entry fee is $15 if you pay online. Please pay Mathleague directly. PTA will not be collecting money separately this year. You may list Jennifer Wong as the chaperone when you sign up.
Math Club will hold a practice session Wednesday October 10, 2018 7:40-8:15AM in Mrs. Jacob’s classroom, room 18. All are welcome to attend but the practice session is not mandatory.
We need parent volunteers at the Mathleague competition to help with proctoring and grading. If you are interested, please email vvmathclub@vistaverdepta.org.

Reflections Art Program – Call for Entries!

Who inspires you? Is it your parents? Is it your teachers? Is it The Avengers? Is it the firefighters that have been working tirelessly to keep us safe? Many use the arts as a way to translate what is meaningful to them. The Reflections Art Program is an annual PTA sponsored program encouraging students to participate in the arts. This year’s theme is “Heroes Around Me.” So, what or who inspires you? Who are YOUR heroes?

All Vista Verde students are invited to participate. Students may submit their artwork, reflecting the 2018-2019 Reflections Art Program theme, in one of six (6) categories: Visual Art (2D & 3D), Photography, Literature, Music Composition, Dance Choreography, and Film Production.

It’s easy to participate:
1. Reflect on this year’s theme: “Heroes Around Me”.
2. Create an original work inspired by the theme.
3. Celebrate your achievements and win prizes!

Check out this video: https://youtu.be/TSvo7vS4Hgg


DUE DATE: All entries for the 2018-19 Reflections Art Program are due by Wednesday, October 17, 2018 to the Vista Verde front office.

A Reflections Program Info session will be held soon. Keep an ear out for when it will be!

General Rules on size, format, usage of copyright work, etc.: http://capta.org/programs-events/reflections/general-rules/

Please use the entry form provided here.

Please click here for flyer.

Questions? email Lilli LaBuen at reflections@vistaverdepta.org

VV School Directory Updates

It is time for us to get the directory updated.

Please click here to submit your changes, if:

  • you have moved, change email addresses or phone numbers in the past year and would like to update your listing in the school directory; or
  • you are new to Vista Verde and would like be added in the school directory; or
  • you want to be removed from the school directory.

Our School Directory coordinator will be sending out emails to provide more information on school directory update over the Fall break.

Our School Directory is organized and printed by Vista Verde PTA. Every family receives one copy regardless if your family/students are included in it.

More PTA Events – Save the Dates

We have more PTA events planned for you. Click here for see the flyer for events after Fall Break.

Coffee Connections – October 12 – Friday

Red Ribbon Week – October 15 – 19

Walk to School Day – October 19

Family Fun Night – October 26

Holiday Dessert – December 13

Book Fair Week – December 10 – December 14

VV PTA Collects Box Tops for Education

Box Tops for EducationTM is a school earnings program that helps our school earn cash to buy the
things we need.

Box Tops are each worth 10¢ for schools and are found on hundreds of products. When students,
families, schools and communities work together to collect Box Tops, the money adds up fast.

To learn more about the Box Tops for EducationTM program and see a list of participating products.

You can submit the box tops you have collected to your teacher or drop them off in a box located in our school office.

Please click here for flyer.

JCC: Club J

When the school day is done, Club J begins! Our after school program is designed for families that need the support and convenience of a daily high-quality schedule for their children. Club J’s monthly tuition includes transportation, snack, and two enrichment classes per day (no enrichment classes on Friday/Shabbat).

For more information contact: Carly Singer- carlys@jccoc.org

Click here for flyer.

Harvest Cup Tryout – Today!

Final Vista Verde Harvest Cup tryouts for 5th-8th graders are today, September 7th, at 4:30pm on the Vista Verde middle school field. Register for tryouts here or email VistaVerdeSoccer@Gmail.com