Hoops Classic Basketball Tournament

Hoops Classic

Have fun representing Vista Verde at this year’s Hoops Classic Basketball tournament for boys and girls in Grades 3-8. The tournament will be held on March 15th-17th, 2024 at IUSD & TUSD gyms. The registration fee $40 per person. Register online at https://ocyouthsports.org/tournament/hoops-classic/

Deadline to register is February 9th, 2024. Parent volunteer coaches are needed! For general info, contact Bryan Fournier at bfournier@silverpointadvisors.com

Talent Show Audition forms due February 16th!

Show us your talent and sign up to audition for the Annual Vista Verde Talent Show! Auditions will be held on February 28th & March 1st, 3:15 – 5:30pm. If you would like to audition, please submit the Google audition forms by Friday, February 16, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted. Show date is Wednesday, April 17th!  Click here to sign up now!


Mendocino Farms Dine Out Fundraiser

Come out to Mendocino Farms on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 for the next dine out fundraiser! 20% of all food orders using the Vista Verde promo code will be donated back to the PTA. Valid from 2pm – closing, in person and online. Use promo code: GIVEBACK

AMC 8 Math Competition

Calling all middle school students! Register now for the AMC 8 Math Competition which is organized by the Mathematical Association of America. Students will be tested on their knowledge of middle school math concepts including algebra, geometry, probability and more. Only pre-registered students will be eligible to compete. Email vvmathclub@gmail.com by January 19 to register. Test will be held on Tuesday, January 23rd at 3:00pm.


Join the PTA Executive Board

Get involved and nominate yourself for a position on the PTA Executive Board! All positions are currently open for the 2024-2025 school year. Completed interest forms are due by January 31st, and elections will take place at the General Association meeting on March 21, 2024. Click here for more infomation.

California State PTA Continuing Education Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations to Vista Verde parent and PTA member / Reflections committee Co-Chair, Roxanne Carter! Roxanne received a California State PTA Continuing Education scholarship. She is currently a student teacher at Costa Mesa High School while taking courses towards a Single Subject English credential at CalState East Bay, gaining hands-on experience and a fresh perspective on education. Keep up the great work, Roxanne! Thank you for your service and thanks to all PTA members for making this opportunity happen! A good percentage of annual membership fees go towards providing grants and scholarships. Click here to learn more about the annual CAPTA Continuing Education Scholarship.

Reflections Art Contest Awards Ceremony (Correction to date)

Join us on January 23rd for the Reflections Art Contest Awards Ceremony to celebrate our talented students. The event begins at 5:00pm in the MPR. Parents of Reflections participants should RSVP to the link that was sent via email if you haven’t already done so. We look forward to seeing you all there!

High School Information Night

Join us for the High School Information Night on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 6pm in the MPR. Current High School VV Alumni will be present to help answer questions about what to expect as students transition into high school. Open to all Middle School families. Contact Michelle Nishida at mnishida@uci.edu for more information.

Vista Verde’s Got Talent!

Calling all Vikings!!! It’s time to showcase your talent and audition for the Annual Vista Verde’s Got Talent show, to be held on April 17, 2024. If you would like to audition, completed Google forms must be submitted by Friday, February 16, 2024. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. Auditions will be held on Wednesday, February 28th and Friday, March 1st from 3:15 – 5:30pm. Sign up here!

AMC 8 Math Competition

Calling all middle school students! Register now for the AMC 8 Math Competition which is organized by the Mathematical Association of America. Students will be tested on their knowledge of middle school math concepts including algebra, geometry, probability and more. Only pre-registered students will be eligible to compete. Email vvmathclub@gmail.com by January 19 to register. Test will be held on Tuesday, January 23rd at 3:00pm.