Fund Photos

Get your holiday family photos taken and support Vista Verde PTA!  
Each family gets a 15-minute session and 2 edited digital images of their choice with a $50 donation to Vista Verde PTA!  Additional images are available for purchase starting at $30. Sessions take place at Turtle Rock Park on November 4th and 5th. Photos will be delivered before Thanksgiving just in time for holiday cards.
Registration closes on Tuesday, October 31st. Any questions, please email

Fourth District PTA Advocacy Forum

Save the date! Fourth District PTA is holding an Advocacy forum on November 9th at El Modena Branch of the Orange Public library. Hear from a panel of Orange County State Senators and Assembly Members. Open to all PTA members.

PTA General Association Meeting

Save the date for the next PTA General Association meeting! Learn about the upcoming PTA events and programs and how you can get involved.

Tuesday, November 28, at 6:30pm on Zoom

More info and registration link to come!

Red Robin Dine-out Fundraiser

Support the PTA and bring your family and friends to Red Robin on October 24th! Red Robin will give 20% of food sales back to the Vista Verde PTA. Valid for dine-in and take-out at the Red Robin located at 2667 Park Ave., Tustin, CA 92782 at The District.
***Any Vista Verde students who attend Dining Out at Red Robin can enter a raffle to win a free kid’s meal for their next visit. To enter and to qualify, text a picture of your Vista Verde student dining at Red Robin on 10/24 to (310) 818-3213. Please also include the student’s first and last name in the text. 

Red Ribbon Week: Oct. 23 – 27

As Red Ribbon Week, a nationwide drug prevention awareness program approaches (October 23rd-27th), we are excited to share our daily plans with you. These plans have been outlined through collaboration between VV PTA/Red Ribbon Week Committee and VV ASB.

Virtual Parent Night: Parenting in Today’s Society
Please join us on Thursday, October 26th on VV virtual parent night at 6pm
We are honored to have two amazing speakers, Della Lisi Kerr from OC Healthcare agency and Christina Kee, VV mental health specialist talking about challenges we are facing as parents today and ways to keep our family safe and lots of other interesting information. Use the link below to register or scan the QR code found on the attached flyer.

Volunteers Needed! Help us make an impact and sign up to volunteer by clicking onto this link:!/showSignUp/30E044EAEAB23A6F85-45243552-redribbon


Mark your calendars for Trunk-or-Treat 2023!!! Monday, October 30th, 5-7pm in the Vista Verde parking lot. Dress up in costume and stop by for a fun and FREE evening of trunk-or-treating with our school community.

***Parent volunteers needed to decorate your car trunks and sign up to help give out candy. Get creative with your trunk decorations and get ready to have some fun! The PTA will provide candy to all participating cars.
Registration required ONLY if you would like to be a participating car.

Fifth Grade Girls & Guys Night!

The annual 5th Grade Girls & Guys Night event will be held on Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 5:30pm. All fifth grade students and their trusted adults are invited to attend this special evening, which will include a presentation on puberty by IUSD approved speakers. This year’s theme is “Tropical Beach Luau”, so come dressed in your best tropical attire and get ready to have some fun with games, raffles and dinner. The girls presentation will be held in the MPR and the boys presentation will be in the Media Center. Registration begins at 5:30pn, and the presentation will begin at 6:00pm. Registration is required. Please click here to register.

Uni High School Girls Youth Soccer Clinic

Calling all 3rd to 6th grade girls interested in playing soccer! Register now for the UHS Girls Youth Soccer Clinic on October 21st. No experience required. Register here.

Coffee Connections – October 25th

Stop by the PTA table for a cup of coffee and learn about all the upcoming PTA events and volunteer opportunities! Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 8:00am to 9:00am in front of the MPR. Thank you to Farimah Taghavi at Solace Home Care for the generous coffee donation.

Talking To Your Kids About Addiction

Many parents feel unsure when they should start talking to their children about addiction and even more uncertain about what to say. In this episode, author and educator, Jessica Lahey, offers practical tips and guidance for having conversations about drug and alcohol use. She draws on the latest research and her own experiences to share what families need to know to keep their kids safe.