Mental Health Resources Forum – May 1

IUSD and UCI will host a virtual forum to discuss Mental Health Resources for Parents on Monday, May 1 from 5-6 p.m. Experts from both agencies will provide insights into how parents and guardians can help their kids manage mental health and what to do when they struggle. Registration is required. Questions can be submitted in advance via the registration form and a Zoom link will be provided after registration. For more information about this free event, please see the flyer.

Check out the Kids Activities at the JCC

The JCC has wonderful activities our families can enjoy. Check out the Club JKids – “Night Out” flyer as well as “Summer Camp” information. Registration for Summer Camp is now open. Get more information at


General Assembly Meeting – May 23

Save the date for the next PTA General Assembly Meeting on May 23rd at 6pm on Zoom.


Superintendents Forum – April 28

Superintendents will address current school and education issues of the minds of PTA leaders and parents across the country during this forum on Friday, April 28th at 9:30am at the Orange County Department of Education Building in Costa Mesa.

Coup De Comedy Festival – May 10 to May 13

The Coup de Comedy is a FREE four-day comedy festival (May 10-13) consisting of panels, workshops, and performances, available to the community. The Coup de Comedy 2023 will feature many of our free events at UCI and some offerings online. This year we will also be partnering with the Global Improvisation Initiative (GII) again to explore the Evolution of Improvisation up until now as well as present innovations that will impact the future around the world. Check out the family friendly improv show on Saturday morning (May 13) at 11 am at UCI’s Little Theatre (HH 161).
More info and reservations here:  Coup De Comedy Information

Good Luck to the Elementary Science Olympiad Team

Good luck to the Elementary Science Olympiad Team, competing this Saturday, May 29th at Sierra Vista School. Categories include: A is For Anatomy, Biomass, Crime Busters, Deep Blue Sea, Disease Detectives, Map Reading, Rock Hound, Starry Starry Night, Weather or Not, Aerodynamics, Categories, Pasta Bridge, Rubber Band Catapult, Straw Egg Drop, Write It Do It. Thank you to all of our volunteers and our science teachers! Learn more about Science Olympiad here.

Earth Day Event – After School – April 21

Today, Friday, April 21st after school until 4pm, our Earth Day event will feature a variety of fun activities including demonstrations of vermi-composting, where kids can touch worms and see compost in various stages, carbon in different forms including rocks, soil, and air, respiration & photo-synthesis with a CO2 analyzer, ocean acidification, and painting with soil. Join us for some fun.

The Little Mermaid Musical – Tickets Go on Sale – April 24

Bring your whole family for an exciting evening of musical theater presented by our middle school student cast and crew! Performances will be held on May 17, May 18, May 19 and May 20. Tickets for the show will be purchased SOLELY online this year. Ticket sales will open on Monday, April 24th and run through Monday, May 15th. Stay tuned for online purchase information. Please note: all seats are general seating. We politely request that you refrain from lining up to enter the MPR until 30 minutes before the start of the performance. 

Tickets can be purchased at the door each evening of the show, beginning at 6:30pm, SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY (note that some shows DO SELL OUT, so presale is strongly recommended). When purchasing tickets online, you will have the option to print out tickets or pick them up at our “will call” table the evening of the performance.  The “will call” table will be open at 6:30pm before each show. Please note that all ticket sales are FINAL and there will be no refunds.

Pricing is as follows: $10.00 – Adult General Admission and $8.00 – Child General Admission (under 10 years)

Concessions will be available for cash only and all proceeds go to the Vista Verde middle school theater program. Thank you for your support.

Pars for Stars Golf Tournament – May 4

Back by popular demand , the Vista Verde Foundation invites you to the Pars for Stars Golf Tournament, which will take place on Thursday, May 4th. Registration opens at 11am and golf start time is at 12:30pm at Strawberry Farms Golf Club in Irvine. All golfers will enjoy a 1 hour cocktail reception with hors d’oeuvres after golf ends at 5:30PM. You can purchase your round or foursome, as well as showcase your company with a sponsorship, using the link below. All net proceeds go to benefit our kids.

PARS FOR STARS – Vista Verde Foundation


Check out the Kids Activities at the JCC

The JCC has wonderful activities our families can enjoy. Check out the Club JKids – “Night Out” flyer as well as “Summer Camp” information. Registration for Summer Camp is now open. Get more information at