Hoops Classic Basketball – Grades 3-8

Have fun representing Vista Verde at this year’s Hoops Classic Basketball tournament for boys and girls in Grades 3-8. The tournament will be held on March 17th-19th, 2023 at IUSD & TUSD gyms. The registration fee $40 per person. Register online at https://ocyouthsports.org/tournament/hoops-classic/
Deadline to register is February 12th, 2023. Parent volunteer coaches are needed! For general info, contact Bryan Fournier at bfournier@silverpointadvisors.com

Happy Holidays!

The Vista Verde PTA wishes everyone a Happy Holidays!

Coffee Connections – January 11, 2023

Please join us for our next Coffee Connections. Learn about the PTA, the Executive Board, and upcoming events you can be a part of. No matter how much time a volunteer puts in, every single person makes an impact. Volunteers are truly the heart of our PTA. We hope to see you there!
When: January 11, 2023
Time: 8:30-9:30am
Where: Atrium
VVPTA Coffee Connections is generously sponsored by Solace Home Care.

Looking for parent volunteers to join Vista Verde PTA Executive Board!

The PTA Nominating Committee is putting together a slate of nominees for the PTA election on March 21, 2023. If you are interested in running, we invite you to review the PTA Executive Board descriptions here and fill out a statement of interest using this Form.
The Nominating Committee will be accepting applications between now and February 10, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Chen at amychen@gmail.com. Thank you for your support.

Advocacy: The Most Important Role of the PTA

Advocacy is at the heart of the PTA mission. We advocate for our children not just at school level, but at the legislative level as well. For over 125 years, PTA members have used their voice to make changes happen that benefit all children, including lunch during school, advocating for Kindergarten as a grade level in public schools, and so much more. What does advocacy look like right now? National PTA Advocacy, CAPTA Advocacy December Briefing, Fourth District PTA Advocacy Communicator: Education budget cuts are coming. How bad will it be? Legislator Election results for Orange County.

Amazon Smile – You Shop. Amazon Gives.

Amazon Smile is a simple way to shop on Amazon and support the Vista Verde PTA at no additional cost. Just 4 easy steps – (1) go to smile.amazon.com (2) change your charity (3) select Vista Verde Elementary PTA (4) have fun shopping. Thank you for your support.

Vista Verde’s Got Talent is Back!

The Vista Verde’s Got Talent Show is back. Winter Break is the perfect time to think about the talent you would like to perform and get your act ready. Auditions will be held in January after school and the show will take place on March 9, 2023. Please see attached flyer for all details and deadlines. You can also download the form at www.VistaVerdePTA.org.

Cards for Stars Fundraiser

Back by popular demand, the Vista Verde Foundation invites you to a parents-casino night fundraiser full of food, fun and indulgences. The casino night fundraiser will be held the evening of January 20, 2023 at Andrei’s Conscious Cuisine & Cocktails. Please join us for dinner, dancing, casino games and a live auction. You can purchase your tickets now at the link below. All net proceeds go to benefit our kids. Hope to see you there!


Vista Verde’s Got Talent is Back!

The Vista Verde’s Got Talent Show is back. Winter Break is the perfect time to think about the talent you would like to perform and get your act ready. Auditions will be held in January after school and the show will take place on March 9, 2023. Please see attached flyer for all details and deadlines. You can also download the form at www.VistaVerdePTA.org.

Updates from the Vista Verde Foundation

Dear Viking Family Community:
Through your continued support and partnership, the VV Foundation strives to create an unparalleled educational experience for our students. From Chrome Books or iPads for every student in the classroom, state of the art middle school science lab and library furniture, and the shade structure and lunch tables for the kindergarten wing, the VV Foundation has worked to enhance our school community.
With the holiday season in full swing, we are reminded of the importance of family, friends and community. We are thankful to you, our wonderful Viking Family Community, for your unwavering support and partnership. As we close out 2022 and embark on 2023, we ask for your support and renewed financial commitment in continuing the mission of the VV Foundation to, “Enhance the Educational Environment of the Vista Verde School Community”.
Please see the attached letter, which further details how you may support and become a partner or renew your partnership with the VV Foundation and support Vista Verde K-8. As an extra incentive, you may receive additional tax benefits by making the donation by December 31, 2022.
Click this link to make a donation to the Vista Verde Foundation: www.vistaverdefoundation.com/donate/

Warm wishes for a wonderful Holiday Season!
The VV Foundation