Happy Thanksgiving

The Vista Verde PTA wishes everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

Help Support Vista Verde When You Shop at Amazon

AmazonSmile is a simple way to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. Simply select Vista Verde Elementary PTA. Go to smile.amazon.com to learn more.

Yearbook on Sale Now

Get your yearbook today for the amazingly low price of $26! Prices go up in January. Pre-order your yearbook here.

Reflections Art Program – Winners

We are so excited to congratulate our fantastic students who participated in the Reflections 2022 SHOW YOUR VOICE art program. Please see the winners’ names below. We will share all the submissions soon. Thank you!


Award of Excellence: “Showing the World What I Can Do” by Juxi (Bella) Liu, Age 10, 5th Grade, Jones

Award of Merit: “The Power of Your Voice” by Luc Chen, Age 10,5th  Grade, Jones

Honorable Mention: “The Magic School ” by Reese Williams, Age 9, 4th Grade, Connolly

Middle School:

Award of Excellence: “A Voice Found“ by Eliza Nelson, Age 12, 7th Grade, Ghiassi

Award of Merit: “The silent scream” by Sarina Marzbani, Age 13, 8th Grade, Stoldt

Honorable Mention: “Hunted” by Harper Smith, Age 11, 6th Grade, Widen


Primary K-2nd:

Award of Excellence: “Pokémon Go Is So Fun” by Nathan Khurgel, Age 6, 1st Grade, Na


Award of Excellence: “Step on It” by Luc Chen, Age 10, 5th Grade, Jones

Award of Merit: “Lightning ” by Niknaz Hashemipour, Age 10, 5th Grade, Gornbein

Honorable Mention:“I love the world”by Juxi (Bella) Liu, Age 10, 5th Grade, Jones

Visual Arts

Primary K-2nd:

Award of Excellence: “voice of the animal protector” by Junxi (Jay) Liu, Age 7, 2nd Grade, Sandberg

Award of Merit: “Lets Save The Endangered Animals”by Karina Chen, Age 6, 1st Grade, Taherian

Honorable Mention: “Healthy snack bag”by Muning (Mila) Wang,Age 6, 1st Grade, Na

Intermediate 3rd-5th:

Award of Excellence: “Help save my friends home!”by Yebin Kim, Age 10, 5th Grade, Gornbein

Award of Merit: “Show your voice” Junhao(Lucas) Luan,Age 9, 4th Grade, Schneider

Honorable Mention: “Save water, save a life” bySining (Alice) Wang, Age 9, 4th Grade, Schneider

Middle School:

Award of Excellence: “Satirical Memory”by Elaine Pang, Age 13, 8th Grade, Martin

Award of Merit: “Silenced”by Ella Jalili, Age 11, 6th Grade, Weireter

Honorable Mention: “All It takes is Inspiration”by Kana LeQuang, Age 11, 6th Grade, Widen

Book Fair – Volunteers Needed

The Vista Verde Book Fair is around the corner and we are looking for volunteers to help with this event! We need a group of volunteers who are able to be part of our Lead Team. The Lead Team will help throughout the entire event and will be required to be onsite for full days December 5th-9th, as well as a half day on December 1st to set up and train. Please email vpvolunteers@vistaverdepta.org to sign up as a Lead Team volunteer. We appreciate your dedication to making this year’s book fair a success!

Book Fair – Save the Date

Pack your book bags: the Literati Book Fair is coming to Vista Verde! Grab your Passport to Adventure and get ready to visit us the week of December 5th to 9th with a special “Family Night” during our Holiday Dessert on Thursday, December 8th.

Join the Nominating Committee

Elections for the nominating committee will take place at the GA meeting, on Monday, November 15th. The Nominating committee will be responsible for seeking qualified candidates to fill all positions on the PTA Executive Board. Please complete the Google form here if you are interested in serving on this committee. Forms due by November 14, 2022.

PTA General Assembly Meeting – Tuesday, Nov 15th

Save the date for the next Vista Verde PTA General Assembly on Tuesday, November 15th, at 6pm. The Board will share updates and discuss PTA programs, and the membership will elect a Nominating Committee that will develop the slate for the 2023 – 2024 Executive Board. To attend the meeting, please register here.

Winter Bowl Flag Football – Grades 3-8

Have fun representing Vista Verde at this year’s Winter Bowl flag football tournament for boys and girls in Grades 3-8. The tournament will be held on Saturday January 28th, 2023 at the Great Park. The registration fee $40 per person. Register online at https://ocyouthsports.org/tournament/winter-bowl/
Deadline to register is January 1st, 2023. Parent volunteer coaches are needed! For general info, contact Bryan Fournier at bfournier@silverpointadvisors.com.

Hoops Classic Basketball – Grades 3-8

Have fun representing Vista Verde at this year’s Hoops Classic basketball tournament for boys and girls in Grades 3-8. The tournament will be held on March 17th-19th, 2023 at IUSD & TUSD gyms. The registration fee $40 per person. Register online at https://ocyouthsports.org/tournament/hoops-classic/
Deadline to register is February 12th, 2023. Parent volunteer coaches are needed! For general info, contact Bryan Fournier at bfournier@silverpointadvisors.com