Red Ribbon Week – October 25-29

Red Ribbon Week is the largest drug-abuse prevention campaign in the nation. This year’s theme is “BE HAPPY, BE HEALTHY, AND BE KIND.”  Join the Vista Verde PTA as we show our school spirit while promoting a drug-free lifestyle. For more information on Red Ribbon Week, please visit

Red Ribbon Week dress up days:

Monday, Oct. 25th: Rally in Red! Kick off our Red Ribbon Week journey by wearing Red!

Tuesday, Oct. 26th: Crazy Kindness! Vikings are crazy about being kind! Wear crazy hair, crazy hat, crazy socks or all of the above!

Wednesday, Oct. 27th: Healthy looks like me! Show us how you like to stay healthy! Wear a jersey, uniform, sweatband or sweats!

Thursday, Oct. 28th: Thank you! Send a card to someone you are thankful for! (Cards will be provided to all grades.)

Friday, Oct. 29th: Fall Spirit Day! Have fun! Costumes are welcomed and encouraged! (Dress codes apply.)

Hispanic Heritage Month Middle School Hero Story

See below for Hispanic Heritage Month Middle School hero story.

  • Tell us which Hispanic hero has inspired you:
  • “My parents. They are heroes to me because of what they have accomplished and inspired me to do. They will always be heroes to me and I love them.”
    • Mia, 7th Grade

Chipotle Fundraiser – Date and Location Change

Save the date for Chipotle’s family dine out! The date and location has changed for the first week of November at the Newport Bluffs Shopping Center!

IUSD Book Recommendation

IUSD recommends the book “Middle School Matters” as a good read for parents.

How to Communicate with IUSD?

Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) values open and transparent communication with our families and wants parents/guardians to take an active role in their child’s education through engaging conversations. These communication guidelines will help you get answers to your questions or concerns in a timely manner.

Please see the link to “how to communicate with IUSD”.

Vista Verde School Rankings

Congratulations to VV Elementary School on ranking #8 in Irvine Unified School District Elementary Schools and to VV Middle School on ranking #1 in Irvine Unified School District Middle Schools.

Please see the link for more details.

Elementary Science Olympiad

Calling all upper elementary students! Are you interested in representing Vista Verde in a science competition against other California elementary schools?

Join the Vista Verde Elementary Science Olympiad team! You will be sorted in weekly study/practice Zoom sessions in 3 topics.

The virtual competition is held online on March 5, 2022.

Register by October 30th, here!

Hispanic Heritage Month

Make sure to check out the Hispanic Heritage display at the VV library while it lasts!

2023-24 National PTA Reflections Theme Search

The 2023-2024 theme search is happening now! All entries must be submitted by November 1, 2021.

Click here to fill out the digital theme search form, or download this document and submit to or mail to California State PTA, 2327 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95816.

California theme idea winners will be forwarded to National PTA for consideration. The student who submits the winning entry will receive a $100 prize.

Thank you, Reflections Artists!

The Vista Verde PTA Reflections team would like to thank all students who submitted an entry to this year’s PTA Reflections Art program! Every year, students are challenged to submit artwork with a particular theme in mind. This year’s theme is: I WILL CHANGE THE WORLD BY…We’d like to send a special thank you to VV students and Reflections participants, Bella, Jay, and Aanya, who encouraged students to give it a try!  Next up, submissions will be judged anonymously by professional experts in each category. All first-place winners will then move on to the Irvine Council, and we will celebrate all Vikings who participated with a virtual gallery and a special awards ceremony. Vista Verde winners will be announced by the end of this month and Irvine Council winners by early December.

Good luck Vikings!

For questions about Reflections, please contact us at