2023-2024 Reflections Art Contest

Calling for entries from all Vista Verde families! We are happy to announce the 2023-2024 Reflection theme: ‘I am hopeful because…’ Share your art, literature, and photographs with the school community. Let your voices be heard and join us in the wonderful art experience. For any questions please contact Cynthia Zhang at cynthiazhang699@gmail.com and Roxanne Carter at persephassa@gmail.com

呼吁所有Vista Verde的家庭踊跃投稿!我们非常高兴地宣布,2023-2024年度倒影活动主题:“我之所以充满希望…” 欢迎与学校社区分享你们的艺术、文学和摄影作品。让你们的声音被听到,与我们一同享受美妙的艺术体验。如有任何问题,请联系Cynthia Zhang(电邮:cynthiazhang699@gmail.com)和Roxanne Carter(电邮:persephassa@gmail.com

Partner with the PTA and become a Corporate Sponsor

The Vista Verde PTA offers several opportunities for business/corporate sponsorship. By partnering with the PTA, your contributions help to provide all students with the tools and resources to succeed. If you would like to support our school PTA and become a corporate sponsor, please visit: http://vistaverdepta.org/sponsorship2324/

The Vista Verde PTA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. All or part of your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution.

Volunteer at the Ice Cream Social!

The Vista Verde PTA and Foundation will be co-sponsoring this year’s Ice Cream Social on Friday, August 25th. If you are interested in helping out, please click here to sign up. We look forward to kicking off the new school year with all of our Vista Verde families.


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