Coffee with Mayor Khan – April 17
Mayor Khan has invited parents and caregivers to stop by for coffee on Tuesday, April 17th at Starbucks in the Westpark Shopping Center.
Earth Day Events – April 20 & April 21
We have two exciting Earth Day events coming up in April.
Thursday, April 20th – 7pm to 8pm
Join us for a special virtual screening of the movie “Kiss the Ground,” narrated by Woody Harrelson, on Thursday, April 20th from 7-8 pm live on zoom. This special school-edition of the documentary sheds light on a “new/old approach” to farming called regenerative agriculture, a practice with the extraordinary ability to balance our climate and feed the world. Register here:
Register for “Kiss the Ground” Movie
Friday, April 21st – After school to 4pm
The second event is on Friday, April 21st after school and will feature a variety of fun activities including demonstrations of vermi-composting, where kids can touch worms and see compost in various stages, carbon in different forms including rocks, soil, and air, respiration & photo-synthesis with a CO2 analyzer, ocean acidification, and painting with soil.
Join us for these special events!
Science Event For Kids – April 29
Join us for a one-of-a-kind community science event where young children and teens help scientists communicate their research more effectively! The Frontiers for Young Minds Live Review is a fun event open to children, families, and the whole community! Learn more and register here.