Parents Night Out – March 20

Please join us for a casual meet and greet with other Vista Verde parents, organized by Vista Verde’s PTA. This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet other parents as well as the PTA Board. Hope to see you there. Space is limited. Please RSVP using the Evite link below:

PTA General Assembly Meeting – March 21

Join us for the next PTA General Assembly Meeting on Tuesday, March 21st at 6pm on Zoom. Use the link below to Register for the meeting. We will be voting on the slate of board members for the 2023/2024 school year as well as reviewing upcoming PTA and Vista Verde events.

Read Across America – Mar 20 to Mar 23

Vista Verde will be celebrating Read Across America 2023 the week of March 20-23. This year’s theme is “Celebrating Our Favorites” – a week of recognizing our most beloved authors and characters. As part of the celebration, families can choose to donate a book from an Amazon Wish List using this link Vista Verde Book Wish List.

Just FYI, at the checkout, the school address will appear as a shipping option, if you’d like to send books directly to the school, but please add a note indicating your child’s name and teacher, so we can be sure to properly thank them! Books donated from this list will be shared with classrooms during RAA, then added to the library’s collection for everyone to enjoy. Titles include many of our favorites as well as new books featuring our favorite characters. As always, thank you for your support of literacy at Vista Verde!


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