VV Got Talent – Audition Forms Due Today!
The Vista Verde’s Got Talent Show is back. Audition Forms are now due today, Friday, January 20th. Please see attached flyer for all details and deadlines. The show will take place on March 9th. You can download the form at www.VistaVerdePTA.org or use the link below.
Cards for Stars 2023 – Tonight!
The Vista Verde Foundation invites you to a parents-casino night fundraiser full of food and fun. The “Cards for Stars” event is on January 20th at Andrei’s Conscious Cuisine & Cocktails. Please join us for dinner, dancing, casino games and a live auction. You can purchase your tickets at the link below. All proceeds go to benefit our kids. Hope to see you there!
Volunteer in the New Year!
We have a lot of fun events coming up this year, including the highly anticipated “Vista Verde’s Got Talent” show, Read Across America, and more! Visit our Volunteer Opportunities page and sign up or contact Leila Esfandiari at vpvolunteers@vistaverdepta.org.