Winter Bowl Flag Football – Grades 3-8

Have fun representing Vista Verde at this year’s Winter Bowl Flag Football tournament for boys and girls in Grades 3-8. The tournament will be held on Saturday, January 28th, 2023 at the Great Park. The registration fee $40 per person. Register online at Deadline to register is January 1st, 2023. Parent volunteer coaches are needed! For general info, contact Bryan Fournier at

Yearbook on Sale Now

Get your yearbook today for the amazingly low price of $26! Prices go up in January. Pre-order your yearbook here.

Congratulations to our Vista Verde student!

We are so happy to announce that our fantastic student, Elaine Pang, placed 2nd in Visual Art, Middle School category for IUSD in the Reflections Art Contest. Congratulations! We are so proud of you. Pictured here is her beautiful art.


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