Family Fun Night Cultural Booths
Cultural Booths are back! Sign up for a cultural booth and share how you celebrate the Fall season! Share customs, traditions, music, and activities. Some ideas for a cultural booth: Dia de los Muertos (Mexico), Halloween (Canada/USA/UK), Mid-Autumn Moon Festival (China), Mehregan (Iran), Diwali (India), Sukkot (Israel). If you’d like to sign up for a booth, please email Leila Esfandiari at and include “Cultural Booth” in the subject line.
Family Fun Night, October 22, 2022, 2-6pm
After two whole years of being on hiatus, Family Fun Night is BACK! Join us on Saturday, October 22nd from 2-6pm and learn how our diverse community celebrates the fall season by visiting our Cultural booths! Join us for fun games, food trucks, concessions, and entertainment. Look out for an online auction starting early in the week leading up to the 22nd, where you will be able to bid on amazing class baskets and a variety of goods and services! More information will come in the following weeks. For questions about class baskets and donations to the silent auction, please contact Mara Brandes at We can use as many helping hands! Please sign up here.