Coffee Connections – September 13th
Join us in the MPR for coffee and a discussion with Officer Rick Gramer about school violence prevention and response. Coffee is generously provided by Farimeh Taghavi of Solace Home Care.
New Spirit Wear Available Now!
Shop for a cause and support your Vista Verde PTA. Available in youth and adult sizes, this year’s nine spirit wear collections channel fresh trends on only the softest fabrics. Showing your Viking spirit never felt so good!
Order by September 18th and be sure to note your child’s name, grade and teacher at checkout. Spirit wear will be delivered directly to your child’s classroom after Fall break. Check out all 9 collections on the Vista Verde Spirit Wear Store.
Thank You For Making Ice Cream Social A Success
Thank you to all our volunteers, planning committee members and our generous sponsors (StemTree Education Center and Gazy Alimadadian) for making this year’s Ice Cream Social a fabulous event. Visit us online at to learn about other great upcoming events.