Ice Cream Social – August 24th

Save the Date – Ice Cream Social will be on August 24th from 4:30pm to 6:30pm.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Middle School Luau Dance

Kick off the year with a luau dance party! The Vista Verde ASB is busy organizing the first middle school dance of the year.

  • Friday, August 26th, 4:30-6:30pm
  • Dancing, games, face painting, gift basket raffles, food, and lots of smiles!
  • $15 per middle school student

Permission slips are attached and should be turned in as soon as possible! For more information, contact Mrs. Mark at


PTA General Assembly Meeting

Join us for our first PTA General Assembly Meeting on Thursday, August 25th at 6:00pm. Registration is required for the Zoom meeting using the link below.

PTA GA Mtg Registration


* indicates required

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