Vista Verde PTA GA Meeting – May 17th, at 6 PM via Zoom
Please join us for the last General Assembly Meeting of the year via Zoom on May 17th at 6:00 pm. Registration is required. Click here to register.
AEFA Organizational Meeting
Calling all AEFA organizing parents, please join our last meeting in 2022: AEFA year in review and look ahead to next year.
Join Zoom Meeting (Mrs. Jones)
Meeting ID: 896 5047 2659
Passcode: 7bEaNM
Girls in STEAM Night Tickets are Now Available!
Dreams for Schools will be hosting their free, virtual Girls in STEAM Night event on Thursday, May 12th, from 6:00 – 7:30 pm Pacific Time.
This event is designed for 3rd to 12th grade students. The attendees will get to hear from the guest speakers about their experience as a woman in STEAM, and then build a hands-on project or learn how to design a website.
Please click here for a flyer with more information. Tickets are available at