Wild Rivers Essay Contest
The premier waterpark in Southern California is returning this summer in its new location at Irvine’s Great Park! To celebrate, Wild Rivers is inviting all students Grades K – 2 to submit a drawing and Grades 3 – 8 to submit an essay for a chance to win a family 4-pack of Wild Rivers Day Passes for the Wildest day during our inaugural season!
Click here for details!
Earth Month
April is officially Earth Month, but we like to think every day is earth day in Irvine!
Click here to check out the programs to support Earth Month!
Parents Appreciating Teachers & Staff (PATS)
Now is your opportunity to show your appreciation and gratitude by honoring the extraordinary teachers, principals, and other school staff members in your family’s life.
Your tax-deductible contribution directly supports the Innovative Grants Program – helping fund grants annually to create innovative learning experiences for our students. Click here to donate now.