One Voice – The Official Blog of National PTA

Do you want to subscribe to One Voice, the Official Blog of National PTA?

PTA launched this blog as another platform for our leadership, ambassadors, staff and members to share the work they do on behalf of all children. You’ll read about dynamic programs happening at the local level, commentary on news and issues impacting the everyday realities of children, as well as live action from our conventions and events.

Blaze Pizza Fundraiser – Thursday, November 11th, 4-10 PM

Save the date!!! Thursday, November, 11th is our dine out fundraiser at Blaze Pizza (University Center) from 4-10pm. Dine in or take out and help support Vista Verde by ordering Pizza for dinner!!

Reminder — your online ordering code is: 1001A.  

Show this flyer for dine in before you pay.

Thank you VV Vikings.

PTA Membership Classroom Contest Winners

Big congratulations to Mrs. Widen, Mrs. Madden & Ms. Gornbein whose classrooms had the highest percentage of PTA members at the end of our 30-day membership contest! Wow, are we on a great path to memberships this year! Thank you, parents, teachers, friends and family for your support. We are happy to report over 200 memberships this year (about 25% of the school!). Remember you can STILL join at any time! Make sure to visit us at our next GA meeting on November 30th at 9am for more updates!


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