Room Parents Wanted!

Room Parents are still needed for the following classes: Anderson, Larson, Farquhar, Almond, Na, Caswell, Williams, Connolly, Jones, Schneider, Jonat, Eckermann, Martin, Newsom, Stoldt, Tiedt, Weireter and Widen (J).

Please email Raissa Soriano ( if you are interested.

Thank you!

2023-2024 National PTA Reflections Theme Search

The 2023-2024 theme search will start on September 1, 2021. All entries must be submitted by November 1, 2021.

Click here to fill out the digital theme search form, or download this document and submit to or mail to California State PTA, 2327 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95816.

California theme idea winners will be forwarded to National PTA for consideration. The student who submits the winning entry will receive a $100 prize.

For questions, please contact

Middle School Science Olympiad

Do you love science? Are you interested in competing on a team in multiple science disciplines against other California middle schools?

We have a few seats left on the Vista Verde Science Olympiad team 2022.

  • VV Students Gr 6-8
  • Each student assigned 3-4 science topics
  • Weekly study through Feb/March
  • Interest in advanced science and engineering
  • Self starter
  • Parent volunteering

Interested? Contact

VV Faculty Advisor: Shari Mark


* indicates required

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