Welcome Back to School – VV PTA 2021-2022 – Together Again

The Vista Verde PTA would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new and returning families! Celebrate with us this year as we center around our theme of “Together Again”.

We look forward to meeting you all and please visit us at vistaverdepta.org to join the PTA today! Click here to view our membership video for more details on the contributions of the PTA to our children, the school, and our Vista Verde teachers and staff!

Please also see the recently released Vista Verde school bell schedule for your reference.

University High Cheer Camp – August 14th – 9 AM to 2 PM

University High invites Vista Verde families for a fun-filled day this Saturday at the Youth Cheer Camp. Learn cheers, chants, games and dances from the UHS Pep Squad!

For more information and registration, please see the flyer attached and click here.

The 2021-22 Reflections Art Program: I WILL CHANGE THE WORLD BY…

Back in it’s 52nd year, the Reflections Art Program is ready to roll! This year’s theme is, “I WILL CHANGE THE WORLD BY…”

Students can submit a work of art in either one or all of the following six categories: dance, film, literature, music, photography, and visual arts.

Divisions are: Primary (K-2nd), Intermediate (3rd-5th), Middle School (6th-7th), and Special Artist.

Learn more about the program by visiting www.vistaverdepta.org/reflections.

The deadline for submissions will be on October 13, 2021 at 11:59pm. Listen to Bella and Jay Liu, both recipients of the Award of Excellence (Bella in Literature, Intermediate 3rd-5th and Jay in Visual Arts, Primary K-2nd) talk about why they like to participate in Reflections every year!

Do you have questions or would you like to become a Reflections volunteer? Contact Lilli LaBuen Gillen at Reflections@vistaverdepta.org.


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