CANCELED-PTA General Assembly Mtg – March 17th at 8:40am in MPR
Voting for new PTA officers will happen at a later date.
In accordance with IUSD guidelines, the PTA General Assembly meeting has been canceled.
Join us for coffee and bagels and some PTA business on Tuesday, Mar 17th right after drop-off.
PTA Executive Board Slate – 2020/2021 School Year
Co-Presidents: Annie Diep & Cindy Huang
EVP: Megan Ormando
Secretary: Mandi Farboudmanesh
Treasurer: Donna Taggart
Financial Secretary: Jamie Duerr
Auditor: Fariba Eftekhar
Historian: Mara Brandes
Parliamentarian: Kimberly Murry
VP Ways & Means: Open
VP Programs: Natalie Lopez
VP Communications: Renin Varnali
VP Membership: Nicky Colley
VP Volunteers: Dana Illman

CANCELED-Rubik’s Cube Club Final Challenge – March 17th
In accordance with IUSD guidelines, the Rubik’s Cube Club Challenge has been canceled.
Due to popular demand, the Rubik’s Cube Club will have one final mosaic challenge on Tuesday, March 17th. All Vista Verde students are welcome to join and parents are encouraged to come and view the final challenge at 4:30pm. See attached flyer for more details.
Hoops Classic Update
We regret to inform you that the 2020 Hoops Classic basketball tournament has been postponed to a later date in the school year. Due to developments related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we are following and implementing the newly-issued guidelines from Governor Newsom and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to postpone large gatherings that include 250 people. The health and safety of our players, parents and staff is our top priority.
With this being a rapidly-evolving situation, a new date for the Hoops Classic hasn’t been officially set yet, but the event has not been cancelled. Our plan at this time is to reschedule it for a weekend in May.