PTA General Assembly Mtg – March 17th at 8:40am in MPR
Join us for coffee and bagels and some PTA business on Tuesday, Mar 17th right after drop-off.
PTA Executive Board Slate – 2020/2021 School Year
Co-Presidents: Annie Diep & Cindy Huang
EVP: Megan Ormando
Secretary: Mandi Farboudmanesh
Treasurer: Donna Taggart
Financial Secretary: Jamie Duerr
Auditor: Fariba Eftekhar
Historian: Mara Brandes
Parliamentarian: Kimberly Murry
VP Ways & Means: Open
VP Programs: Natalie Lopez
VP Communications: Renin Varnali
VP Membership: Nicky Colley
VP Volunteers: Dana Illman

Irvine Junior Games- Sign up TODAY Feb 21st
Vista Verde Parents,
Its that time of the year again! Irvine Junior Games is right around the corner. What is Irvine Junior Games? Well basically its a track and field event in that students (4th-8th) grade get to compete against other students in the Irvine District! Its one day May 3rd (Sunday) this year. I’ve attached a little bit more information about it on this email. If you have any questions please feel free to email me at Last day to sign up online is February 21st.