Interested in Joining the PTA Board – Nominations Now Open
You can make a difference at Vista Verde and help support our teachers and students. Nominations are now being accepted for the 2020/2021 school year.
Contact Annie Diep at for information on specific roles and responsibilities or to submit your nomination.
There are several positions available to fit anyone’s schedule and desired level of involvement. You can see the list of positions at under Contact Us. Nominations will be accepted from Nov 19th to Jan 17th. Go ahead, nominate yourself or nominate a friend.
Order Your Yearbook Now for $35- Price Goes Up on January 1st
Visit the Vista Verde website and find the link at the bottom right corner under “Quicklinks” for Order VV Yearbook.
Or click here to order.
Volunteer or Visitor Badges
Just a reminder, anyone on campus must have a badge on during school hours either inside OR outside the building. Our school staff have had to remind several folks, particularly in the lunch and playground areas, to return to the office to sign-in. Staff is trained to question anyone without a volunteer, visitor, or district badge. Thank you for your support of our safety procedures.
Jerry Vlasic, Principal