Pre-Purchase Your Tickets for Family Fun Night Now!

Family Fun Night is on Friday, October 25th but you can pre-purchase tickets now for concessions and games via PayPal and skip the lines.

Tickets to FFN are available online now at FFN Tickets.

Rubik’s Cube Challenge- At Family Fun Night

Come by the Rubik’s Cube Booth for some fun timed challenges.  Stop by the booth at around 4:30pm to register for your event or just come by to watch the friendly competition.  The speed rounds will begin at 5pm.

Family Fun Night – Volunteers Needed – October 25th – Friday

Family Fun Night is the PTA’s biggest community and fundraising event of the year. Please consider volunteering for this fabulous event. There are several volunteer opportunities available. Please sign up online at FFN Volunteers. Thank you for your support.


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