Chess Tournament – October 3rd – Wednesday

Family Fun Night – Volunteers Needed – Oct 25th – Friday
Family Fun Night is the PTA’s biggest community and fundraising event of the year. Please consider volunteering for this fabulous event. There are several volunteer opportunities available. Please sign up online at FFN Volunteers. Thank you for your support.
Mathleague competition for 3-8th grade – October 26 – Saturday
Calling all Mathletes! Vista Verde will be hosting a Mathleague competition on Saturday October 26, 2019. The elementary competition for 3-6th grade will be in the morning 8:00AM-12:00PM. The middle school competition for 6-8th grade will be in the afternoon 1:00PM-5:00PM. There are 3 individual rounds and 1 team round.
For elementary:
Number Sense Round – This 10-minute round consists of 80 problems that are designed to be solved mentally.
Sprint Round – This is a 40-minute multiple choice round consisting of thirty questions.
Target Round – Four pairs of problems are administered, and students have 6 minutes to complete each pair.
Team Round – One to four team members work together for 20 minutes to answer ten questions. Students will team up with other students from their own school on the day of the competition.
For middle school:
Sprint Round – This is a 40-minute round consisting of thirty questions.
Target Round – Four pairs of problems are administered, and students have 6 minutes to complete each pair.
Team Round – One to four team members work together for 20 minutes to answer ten questions. Students will team up with other students from their own school on the day of the competition.
Countdown Round – These questions are administered one at a time to students who compete head to head.
If you are interested, please signup here for elementary and here for middle school. Entry fee is $15 if you pay online.
We need parent volunteers at the Mathleague competition to help with proctoring and grading. If you are interested, please sign up here.