VV AEFA Information Meeting – May 31 – Friday
The Vista Verde PTA Academic Enrichment for All (AEFA) Committee is hosting an informational and planning meeting to plan for the 2019-2020 calendar year.
Friday, May 31 at 3:10pm, Room 18 (Mrs. Jacobs)
AEFA hosts enrichment programs such as Spelling Bee, Geo Bee, Science Olympiad, Math Club, Astronomy Night, Public Speaking, Viking Voices, Chess Tournaments and more.
If you are interested in learning more, volunteering or bringing new events, please come to the parent meeting.
IUSD Mandarin Immersion After School Program
To IUSD’s TK-2nd Grade Families,
Irvine Unified School District recognizes the importance of providing students opportunities to learn a second language and to develop those world language skills needed to successfully engage in a global society and economy. The South Coast Chinese Cultural Center / Irvine Chinese School, in partnership with the Irvine Unified School District, has the opportunity to create and offer an after school Mandarin immersion program for students in grades K-3 during the 2019-20 school year.
In an effort to measure the community’s interest in having available a language immersion program, we are asking parents to complete the following survey. All information will be kept confidential.
TERRY L. WALKER, Superintendent of Schools
JOHN FOGARTY, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services / BRIANNE FORD, Chief Technology Officer
EAMONN O’DONOVAN, Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources / CASSIE PARHAM, Assistant Superintendent, Education Services
IUSD . . . providing the highest quality educational experience we can envision.
IPSF: Registration Deadline: Summer Session A
The deadline to register for the first session of IPSF summer classes for grades K-12 is May 31. From designing video games to making culinary creations, students can explore interests or discover a new passion with over 500 engaging course offerings. Classes are filling up fast – register today!
Click here to learn more about these classes.