IPD DARE Movie Night – May 18 – Mary Poppins Returns
Irvine Police Department presents D.A.R.E. Lounge Chair Movie and Carnival Night.
When: May 18, Saturday, at 6pm
Where: Heritage Park, 14301 Yale Ave.
Event features bounce houses, field games, BBQ, refreshments, and treats for sale in addition to the movie Mary Poppins Returns
Please click here for flyer.
Coffee with Counselor – May 20 – Monday
Join us for coffee, treats and good conversation with the counselors!
Monday, April 22, 2019 8:30am – 9:15am Vista Verde MPR
Build community one conversation at a time.
VV PTA General Assembly Meeting – May 29 – Wednesday
Our final PTA general assembly meeting for this school year will be on May 29, Wednesday, 8:40am to 9:35am in the MPR. Hope to see you there.