VV Counselor’s Corner – 9 Easy Tips for a Stimulating Summer

Welcome to the Counselor’s Corner in the Vista Verde PTA eNewsletter.

Counselor’s Corner will be featured every other week. Keep an eye out for information on how to enhance student/family life, social and emotional wellness, development and other tips.

This super simple article is just in time for upcoming summer break.


Feel free to contact us!

Nori Deatherage
Middle School Counselor
On-site at VV: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Christina Kee
Elementary School Counselor
On-site at VV: Monday and Friday

IPD DARE Movie Night – May 18 – Mary Poppins Returns

Irvine Police Department presents D.A.R.E. Lounge Chair Movie and Carnival Night.

When: May 18, Saturday, at 6pm

Where: Heritage Park, 14301 Yale Ave.

Event features bounce houses, field games, BBQ, refreshments, and treats for sale in addition to the movie Mary Poppins Returns

Please click here for flyer.

Vista Verde at Irvine Junior Games – May 5 – Sunday

Coach Dave is leading our Vista Verde team to compete at the Irvine Junior Games this Sunday. Opening ceremony is at 9am. Let’s go support our athletes! The event is at Irvine High School stadium.


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