40 Development Assets – Presented by Nori Deatherage – March 19 – Tuesday
“A look at the 40 positive supports and strengths that young people need to succeed” presented by Nori Deatherage
Tuesday, March 19 at 8:35am in Vista Verde MPR, followed by the 3rd PTA General Assembly Meeting.
Annual Vista Verde Jog-A-Thon – March 22 – Friday
Our annual VV Jog-A-Thon is coming up on March 22, the Friday before our Spring recess. An envelope for ordering T-shirt and pledges was sent home with students. You may still be able to purchase T-shirt now through the day of the event but sizes may be limited. Families and siblings are welcome to run with our students on March 22.
March 22 is also an early dismissal day. K-5th grades will be dismissed at 1:25pm and 6th through 8th grades will be dismissed at 1:30pm.
VV Counselor’s Corner
Welcome to the Counselor’s Corner in the Vista Verde PTA eNewsletter.
Counselor’s Corner will be featured every other week. Keep an eye out for information on how to enhance student/family life, social and emotional wellness, development and other tips.
Feel free to contact us!
Nori Deatherage
Middle School Counselor
On-site at VV: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Christina Kee
Elementary School Counselor
On-site at VV: Monday and Friday