JCC: JCamps – Spring JCamp – Grades TK – 5th
Jcamps Spring Camp, Gr TK-5
Week 1: April 1-5, 2019
Week 2: April 8-12, 2019
Field Trips on Thursdays
Click here to register.
Woodbridge HS Freshman Class Council / ASB Information
If your 8th grader is planning to attend Woodbridge HS, would your student be interested in joining ASB or Freshman Class Council?
Woodbridge HS will be holding interviews at the end of this school year to identify their Freshman Class President and Freshman Class Vice President, as well as several members of the Freshman Class Council.
More information is available here, and the entire folder of application materials is available at tinyurl.com/woodbridgeasb. There will be a mandatory meeting at 8thGrade Family Night – 5:30 p.m. in the WHS Media Center, and attendance will be taken.
Interviews will be April 22-24 at WHS.
Contact LaurenPrudhomme@iusd.org with any questions.
2019-2020: PTA Executive Board Slate
President: Shirley Wainberg
EVP: Annie Diep
Secretary: Mara Brandes
Treasurer: Cindy Huang
Financial Secretary: Carolina Sabotka
Auditor: Kendie Schlecht
Historian: Tasha Alpert
Parliamentarian: Sandy Long
VP Way & Means: Meghan Ormando
VP Communications: Yvette Casal
VP Volunteers: Dana Illman
VP Membership: Sarice Grushkin
VP Programs: Terri Myers