Proof of Residency Forms for Fall Enrollment

IUSD (Irvine Unified School District) asks parents for Proof of Residency each spring for fall student enrollment. Please see information in the attached link for steps in the process.

Thank you!

Free Community Lecture at UCI – Myopia Progression in Childhood – February 25 – Monday

On Monday, February 25, UCI’s Gavin Herbert Eye Institute will be hosting a free community lecture, “Myopia Progression in Childhood”, presented by Dr. Charlotte Gore, who is one of their pediatric specialists.


3rd – 8th Grades – Basketball-Hoops Classic – Registration Deadline – February 8 – Friday

Basketball Players,

The Hoops Classic is a City of Irvine / IPSF basketball tournament, including teams representing all the schools in Irvine. The tournament is open to 3rd-8th grade boys and girls. We are looking for boys, girls and coaches who are interested in participating.

The tournament games run from Friday, March 8th – Sunday March 10th. If your son or daughter are interested in trying out, please register by Friday February 8th using the link below . We will notify players of the tryout schedule at a later date.

Register Here:

The Vista Verde teams have had lots of success over the past handful of years. More important than winning is the incredible fun it is for the players to play with their classmates and enjoy some exciting school spirit. Don’t miss the chance to be a part of your school team.

Please note, there is no cost to register but you are welcome to donate at your discretion. There will be a $30 participation fee at a later date once a team is selected.

Bryan Fournier


* indicates required

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