VV Foundation: Cards for Stars – November 16 – Friday

The Vista Verde Foundation is thrilled to announce the 5th Annual Cards for Stars Casino Night presented by The Watson Team.

This year’s event at the fabulous Pelican Hill Resort will be a truly spectacular evening of masquerade and Las Vegas style gaming.

Join us Friday, November 16th, 2018. You won’t want to miss out on any of the fun!

Please visit www.CardsForStars.com for ticket and sponsorship information

No School – Nov 12 – Monday

Veteran’s Day is November 11, Sunday honoring military veterans. Our school district sets November 12, Monday, as a school holiday to observe the Veteran’s Day. Enjoy the long weekend.

Flag Football – Winter Bowl – 3rd – 8th Grades

Flag Football Players,

The Winter Bowl is a City of Irvine / IPSF flag football tournament, including teams representing all the schools in Irvine. The tournament is open to 3rd-8th grade boys and girls. We are looking for boys, girls and coaches who are interested in participating.

The tournament games are on Saturday, January 26. If your son or daughter are interested in trying out, please register using the link below. We will notify players of the tryout schedule at a later date.

Register Here: https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/139467/signups

The Vista Verde teams have had lots of success over the past handful of years. More important than winning is the incredible fun it is for the players to play with their classmates and enjoy some exciting school spirit. Don’t miss the chance to be a part of your school team.

Please note, there is no cost to register but you are welcome to donate at your discretion. There will be a $30 participation fee at a later date once a team is selected.


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