Square 1 Art Orders Due Date Extended – October 30 – Tuesday
Hello Vista Verde Families,
Square 1 Art Online Orders Due Date has been extended to October 30, 2018, Tuesday.
By now, you should have received your child’s personalized order form and stickers. We hope you are excited about your child’s artwork as much as they are!
Act now to receive free shipping, which is only available during the fundraiser sale. All orders ship to school.
You may place your order here: Square 1 Art
Can’t find your child’s access code? Email: square1.vvpta@gmail.com
Thank you,
VVPTA Square 1 Art Team
Blessings in a Backpack
Dear Fabulous Vista Verde Community!
Due to the remarkable generosity of our Vista Verde Community, last year’s “Blessings in a Backpack” community service project was such a huge success that we are going to do it again. We will begin August 15th. I am always amazed at how thoughtful and compassionate Vista Verde families are. Thank you for all that you do to make Vista Verde the remarkable school that it is!!!
Patricia Farquhar
VV Foundation: Cards for Stars – November 16 – Friday
The Vista Verde Foundation is thrilled to announce the 5th Annual Cards for Stars Casino Night presented by The Watson Team.
This year’s event at the fabulous Pelican Hill Resort will be a truly spectacular evening of masquerade and Las Vegas style gaming.
Join us Friday, November 16th, 2018. You won’t want to miss out on any of the fun!
Please visit www.CardsForStars.com for ticket and sponsorship information