VV School Directory Updates

It is time for us to get the directory updated.

Please click here to submit your changes, if:

  • you have moved, change email addresses or phone numbers in the past year and would like to update your listing in the school directory; or
  • you are new to Vista Verde and would like be added in the school directory; or
  • you want to be removed from the school directory.

Our School Directory coordinator will be sending out emails to provide more information on school directory update over the Fall break.

Our School Directory is organized and printed by Vista Verde PTA. Every family receives one copy regardless if your family/students are included in it.

PTA Drive – Donate to Our Annual Fund

PTA Drive is still going strong! Last day to join is September 14th, today! You can join online by clicking on here.

Yearbook Online Order Begins

Purchase your Vista Verde School 2019 yearbook online at http://www.balfour.com/california/irvine/vista-verde-school or use the link on the left side of the Vista Verde homepage (http://iusd.org/vv/).

Parents can also purchase ad for your student to be included in the yearbook. Limited space is available. Prices start at $20.

Currently the cost per book is $34. After January 1, 2019, the price will increase.


* indicates required

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