Entries by VV PTA

For Parents of 5th Grade Boys – Guys Night, Feb 19th

Our annual Guys Night is approaching! This event will be on Wednesday February 19 from 6-8pm, and is for 5th grade boys and their adult role model. Please see attached flyer for details. We need all parents to register for the event no later than Wednesday February 12. Please register at the following link:  https://vistaverdepta.org/guysnight/

Positive Parenting Classes – Mar 5th

The Irvine Family Resource Center will be offering a 4-week parenting series called Helping Your Child Succeed In School aimed in supporting K-6th parents. Classes will start March 5th  6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Parents will have an opportunity to increase their awareness and engage in discussions surrounding these topics: Understanding brain development Helping your child with […]

PTA General Assembly Mtg – March 17th at 8:40am in MPR

Join us for coffee and bagels and some PTA business on Tuesday, Mar 17th right after drop-off. PTA Executive Board Slate – 2020/2021 School Year Co-Presidents: Annie Diep & Cindy Huang EVP: Megan Ormando Secretary: Mandi Farboudmanesh Treasurer: Donna Taggart Financial Secretary: Jamie Duerr Auditor: Fariba Eftekhar Historian: Mara Brandes Parliamentarian: Kimberly Murry VP Ways […]

IUSD College and Career Fair- Mar 16

Irvine Unified School District invites you to attend our annual College and Career Fair, happening at the Portola High School gym on March 16, 2020 from 6-8pm.  This event will allow students and parents the opportunity to meet with over 40 college and university representatives, while also having the chance to explore a variety of […]

For Parents of 5th Grade Boys – Guys Night, Feb 19th

Our annual Guys Night is approaching! This event will be on Wednesday February 19 from 6-8pm, and is for 5th grade boys and their adult role model. Please see attached flyer for details. We need all parents to register for the event no later than Wednesday February 12. Please register at the following link:  https://vistaverdepta.org/guysnight/

IPSF Hoops Classic Basketball Tournament- Register by Feb 16

Have fun representing Vista Verde at this year’s Hoops Classic Basketball Tournament for boys and girls in grades 3-8.  The tournament will be held from March 13th-15th at various Irvine basketball gyms. All students are welcome to try out. The registration fee is $35 per person (price includes 2 T-shirts) Register online at ocyouthsports.org/irvine/tournaments/hoops-classic This is […]